Monday, June 8, 2009

Another exciting day of boating...and this time we were observers not participants...we started the day in a fog...literally...I was more than a little skittish but Captain Floyd was busy practicing his driving skills using only radar and chart plotter cause we sure couldn't see much...Just as the fog lifted we were passed (again) by a sport fishing boat "ALBA". We played that game with them yesterday as well...soon he was out of site. About an hour later we heard him calling TowBoatUS...seems he'd misread the markers and run aground. We figured we'd catch up and get to see the spot so as not to make the same mistake ourselves. Wide open spaces til then...Neuss can see England from there...suddenly about two miles ahead...we saw smoke. NOT GOOD...seems the shrimp boat LUCKY had caught fire...we hit the throttle, changed course to see what we could do...but by the time we arrived a small fishing boat had rescued the two crew members...a quick call to the Coast Guard...LUCKY seemed to be at least one third to half aflame...a few photos and we were back on course...we learned later that she sank. WHEW...this was not Lucky's lucky day. We arrived at Dowry Creek Marina (Belhaven NC) right on schedule with a stow away...we had noticed a couple of small tree frogs aboard at Georgetown...guess one decided to hang with us...Floyd was sure surprised to see him on the fender...he is still here somewhere. Should we name him??? Kermit????


bb said...

Looks like you are going to have to equip Tumbleweed with flashing lights for rescue missions. We now know what fire you were headed to. So you can ignore that part of the e-mail. I guess I should check the blog before e-mail. Know what you mean about tree frogs. We have a few of those little suckers that attach themselves to the house. They are quite loud for their size. Not much on the agenda today. We are suppose to get a couple of girls, but who knows. It is getting pretty late in the year, so if they don't show up today we will just pass this time. Cloudy and windy here today, but warm. Did way too much domestic work yesterday. Dusted..... Be safe. Love ya LB and BB

JacqueNelson said...

Wowsaa! Your adventures just get more interesting. Fog, fire, frogs..........seems to be a pattern. Glad you made it to where you were headed.