Sunday, March 30, 2014

And the winds blew!!! You'd think being from Kansas we'd know wind...but again much stronger and longer around these here parts. We were blasted in Key Biscayne ...then again in Ft Lauderdale...and now again??!! Started at about 11:30 last night...blasting us at 20-30 man says to continue all day...we are not going anywhere. scratch all those marina plans for the next couple of we get to re-call, re-adjust, re-plan. Not a problem!!

As luck would have it, we had already adjusted our original plan for Charleston case you weren't aware, Floyd has fallen in love with THE BILTMORE. When we left there last October, a docent told us we could take an exclusive behind the scenes tour...pricey but we'd get to see all sorts of places not open to the public. We had planned to put Dakota in doggie day care, rent a car, drive four hours to Ashville, stay in a hotel, take the pricey tour....than drive back....etc. we had talked to the Biltmore people once about it...but when I called yesterday to book it....they had a very different story. Seems that pricey two hour tour wouldn't really show us much we hadn't already we ditched that plan immediately....all things work....because now with this wind, we'd have not made any of those original deadlines.  Ah, such is the boating life.

Now I have some time for cleaning, organizing, laundry, reading...napping...our time in Charleston will be shorter..but less expensive.  Dakota still needs to visit a veterinarian ...and Floyd will need to change oil....and we'll get to spend an evening with our friends, John and Dianne, aboard TUTTO BENNE.  It'll all work out!

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