Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday plan is for Floyd to make arrangements with Atlantic Yacht Basin for storing the boat...we think TUMBLEWEED will be here for a is full working ...big storage boat yard...and appears to have fresh water inside storage. He is excited to be able to keep the boat in the water.

Thursday we'll head into Norfolk proper...10 bridges and one lock...all timed to open on the hour or half hour...but it is a short 15 miles to Waterside Marina where we'll be for the next three weeks. I fly home on Sunday for two weeks, returning just in time to attend the Looper Rendezvous May 5-8 th.  Then we'll move back here and begin the process of leaving her for a year.

Can I just mention that this is the longest stretch of boating I think I've done....and I am certainly sick of these boating wardrobe for extended periods is not my idea...I'm ready for a real closet...and cute shoes! I'm seriously thinking about ditching most, if not all, boat clothes and starting from scratch in a year ....stay tuned to see how that works for me!

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