Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 30.... Mooney Bay Marina....lots of dock hands...we couldn't even raise them on the phone. Good thing we can manage just fine by ourselves...Floyd and Dakota finally started the long walk from the gas dock to find help for adding fuel...and someone appeared...fueled and then showed us our slip....and then disappeared. Once again, we managed just fine...thank you very much.  We picked this place partially because of the listed restaurant...and even asked about it when we made the reservation call...they just forgot to mention that it is only open Thursday thru Sunday. hhhhhmmmm, it's Tuesday! 

I spent the afternoon doing laundry...Floyd finished a couple of chores and made preparations for Canadain customs inspection tomorrow...shouldn't be a big deal as he is a pretty strict rule follower! I'm the you needed to be told! Lol

And the French boaters are here!!! In fact, we ae hard pressed to find an American boat in this crowd. A big 62' cruiser arrived late afternoon...stirring up the entire marina ...he's got way too many toys and gadgets...and crew! Fun to watch...easy to look at...can't understand a word they say! What are we thinking??? 
ADVENTURE....Challenge....giggles I'm sure!! 

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