Monday, May 25, 2009

Travel to Kilkenny Creek was an adventure. We got to experience two notorious trouble spots on the ICW...Jekyll Creek and the Little Mud River...both during low tide conditions. We did just fine, thank you very much. Followed a barge who wasn't so lucky...we heard he ran aground after we had passed him. Also managed to spend some time traveling with a couple in an older boat who stated they were originally from Coffeyville, Kansas. File that under small world. But our biggest challenge were the thousands and thousands of HUGE flies that insisted on coming aboard...OMG...we tried the Thermacell and citronella candles,even put Listerine in a spray bottle and squirted them like my mom had suggested..we wished we had a bee keeper outfit. Floyd took great delight in killing hundreds with his fancy-smancy flyswatter but that produced such carnage that we finally resorted to using the shop vac to just suck them away......folks around here just shrug and say ..."oh, yea, those bugs. Nothing seems to work." Kilkenny Creek Marina sure reminded us of our first night out of St Charles docking at Hoppies Marina. Swift current and rickety docks...always a fun combination.

1 comment:

JacqueNelson said...

So they were Georgia flies just hitching a ride to go someplace other than Georgia? Must be a Ray Charles song in there somewhere.
Glad you are docked and didn't find the dirt bottom in the river. The stupid Florida rain finally made it to our paradise and it has dripped off and on all day. But no wind!!