Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Our passage to Trenton was delightful though windy. This Canadian waterway is truly some of the most pleasant we have experienced. Makes us really glad that we decided to delay our finishing the loop so that we will have plenty of time to enjoy it more. The weather has cooled to the 70s or low 80s making it all just really nice. AND when we arrived in Trenton who should we see sitting there BIG as you please...with a BIG crunch spot on the swim platform...LUNA SEA...yep, the guy who left the scene at Picton that morning. Made for an interesting conversation that evening as Bill, boat owner and guy on the bow, attempted to pay us a visit and explain his side of the story. Luckily, Floyd's phone rang and that whole thing was cut short. Their departure the next morning from Frazer Park Marina was UN-eventful. Though I assure you we were outside protecting our TUMBLEWEED.

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