Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall is definitely here...Floyd and I can hardly believe the difference it has made in this trip. We came this way in August/September of 2008...temps in the 100s...we glowed, roasted, and sweated and dreaded every day. Water was muddy stinky stuff that offered no relief at all. This time we are enjoying day time temps in the 70s and 80s, nights get down to 50s and 40s. And all those trees are turning. Every time you look up, you go...aaahhhh, isn't this beautiful. We've seen eagles, osprey, hawks and turkey vultures soaring high and floating on the thermals. Water is not clear but the sunshine sparkles off the waves brighter than diamonds in spotlights. It is delightful...

1 comment:

JacqueNelson said...

This pictures looks a lot like Beaver Lake....we were out yesterday on a friend's boat and saw eagles. Colors are just beginning here. Hot yesterday but cold front coming!