Saturday, November 9, 2013

Another cold day on the water as we headed to David Lake...really just a little bump out in the river...shallow and now we are encountering tidal currents. THE SECOND NOELLE joins us again. It is cold and windy...but we dinghy Dakota over a mile back into the river and down quite a ways to the boat ramp, parking area so he can do his business. We make one more run at dark...thinking that it'll be dang cold at 6AM when we make that morning run to shore. Alas, it was not to be. Dakota had the routine jackets, long johns, gloves and ear cover...but at 42 degrees, the motor on the dinghy would not start.

Anchor up....we head to Mobile with one miserable dog aboard. Bless his heart...he didn't complain...even when the trip took two hours longer than we thought(12 miles of bay area, not four)...and Mobile Bay was rough! He was a green dog, with yellow eyes! Looking at us like we were totally crazy!

I must admit we didn't mess around getting the boat secure...he was off the boat two steps...and "katie bar the door",  he let loose. I hope that is the worse he has to endure. We have met a couple today who gave us tips on how to get him to use "pads" on board...we just haven't had any luck with that so far. Hopefully, their tips will help.


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