Monday, March 31, 2014

That roaring lion called March exited like a lamb today! Talk about smooth water...perfect for water skiing....all day long....though most would think it a little chilly...started at 50 degrees and warmed to almost 70! Still pretty cool for being on the water. If fact, according to what we saw, it was actually warmer in Wichita today than where we are....Dataw Island, SC....wherever that is. We plan to stay here tomorrow then head in to Charleston on Wednesday. Dakota is scheduled for yearly routine doggie tests and a much needed bath on Thursday....some serious grocery shopping in store for us...then dinner with John and Dianne.

We've planned our stops after Charleston to Norfolk....and both of us are even making plans for our three weeks in Norfolk...I'm flying home for two weeks...leaving Floyd and Dakota to "bach it".  Scares me to think what mischief they will get into without proper adult supervision ...maybe I should leave them a list of chores???

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