Thursday, September 19, 2019

Two weeks later...geesh, I’m hoping my list of things to do at home begins to dwindle. I’ve literally been going at the speed of light....but as I catch my breath, I’m determined to finish this up so I can get it printed! Good to have goals! Floyd stopped here long enough to drop me off and purchase a few things for boat projects...he and Dakota headed back to the boat four days later. He plans to be in Kentucky til Mid October. You’d think with me “home alone” I’d be making better progress...

So we were gone from Wichita 103 days...left on May 23 and returned on September 3...while they weren’t all glorious, our mission was accomplished without much ado. In fact, it was a perfectly pleasant total boating experience...we had some boat issues, but they weren’t deal breakers. Nothing that really slowed our progress or broke the bank. We had some extremely hard days, but we knew ahead of time what to expect...and those days put us closer to the new home port...all worth it!  We had some days that just seemed to be blessed...timing, weather or temperatures all worked with us for a change. Even though the skanky river section was skanky, we managed without many headaches. Most important, we didn’t kill each other!

We traveled 1091 miles...leaving Northport for the last time on June 16 and arriving at Green Turtle Bay on Sunday August 4.

We rented a car while we were in Harbor Springs and took road trips to Whitefish Point, Saulte Ste Marie and Mackinaw Island.

By boat, we visited 29 ports...though we did go to Charlevoix 3 times and back to Northport twice chasing that electrical issue. New to us were the stops at Elk Rapids, Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Arcadia, Seneca, Alton, and Paducah. At Manistee, we stayed at a marina that was new to us...and one that was so improved we almost didn’t recognize it!

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