Saturday, August 23, 2008

Things here are just so dull...and we are NOT having any fun. Yea, right!!!! If you believe that then you also thought that we really saw Trisha and Garth fishing. We are having a blast. I for one really thought that after a week or two on this boat with no where to get away, I'd be ready to kill someone...but, you know, it just hasn't happened. I did take off for a while yesterday to get a haircut. Sure got my moneys worth...we've been trying to measure and we're not quite sure...but Floyd's hair is just a smidgen shorter than my new look. Which was not really what I was after. Oh, my,...sure hope it'll grow!!!!

1 comment:

nancy fitzgerald said...

Picture?? How is the new do. I bet you'd like my flow-bee now!