Sunday, February 22, 2009

Calloway Bayou was where we anchored out on Friday night. Though it took four tries to get the anchor to set, we wondered why we tried so hard. We never moved. Three dolphins were frolicking behind us. Though I crackled, whistled, sang, and begged, I could not get them to come into camera range. Gave Floyd a few laughs though. Can you hear the barking dog in the background??? It was lovely...except for him...well, and the cold.

1 comment:

bb said...

Good morning. What great pixs. I did think that I might have seen a head poking out of the water in the one shot, possible dolphin sighting. Nice to see you on the blog about the time I was reading it. Hope you didn't hurt any more than your pride when you fell after the wave caught you. Need to strap in when you see those Navy boys coming. l8r g8r LB and BB