Monday, May 11, 2015

MAY 10....another beautiful day...and no need to start at o'dark thirty....spent a short while cruising to re-set the auto pilot...alerted the dockhand that we were coming in for a pump out and GAS in hopes of making the 10AM bridge opening....well, no pump out (seems that broke yesterday)... And a man from Chicago asking us about a good marina with access to Virginia Beach kept everyone from noticing that we were being fueled with DEISEL ...instead of gas.  Oops!!! We took off....noticed blue smoke coming from side exhaust....under the bridge and into the lock, now both exhausts are smoking....hhhhmmm, fuel in the the gates we left but didn't get far when port side motor alarm let us know this was serious shit...alerted lock we were returning. They left gate open and assured us there was a place to dock on the other side. It didn't take Floyd a nano-second to figure out what the problem was. A call to TOWBOAT arrange a tow back to the marina....which we never lost sight of....actually not really even a mile away. Because of bridge openings, it would be a little over two hours before he arrived. But once he did...slam bam thank you ma'am....we were under the bridge (lucky us, the bridge was having maintaince issues so police had blocked the road and the bridge was opened without any wait) and back in the spot we left. Less than an hour later heavy rain moved in! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY....Jack Daniels and wine flowed freely! As we contemplated the ramifications and scenarios for repair. We are more than tired of AYB...and we are positive they will not be happy to see us either.

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