Monday, May 25, 2015

Never made it to the cook out party...but enjoyed the band from our aft is pleasantly cool and sunny! Quite unlike what our friends are getting in Kansas...rain, rain, more rain...we usually get it a couple of days later. So we'll be watching.

Sunday we did major walking...back to West Marine (Floyd's paradise), Ace Hardware, and Gucci Safeway ...took our trusty rolling cart to haul home the goodies...after lunch and a short nap rounded up Dakota and did major strolling through the Fell's Point area....bars and restaurants every where...and people! Economy is picking up!

Then out to supper with Clay and Sally (SaSea Sally)... Where we planned more mischief ...tonight is our little cookout...and Tuesday we have $10 tickets to the Orioles vs Astros game at Camden's a complicated ride on the water taxi...but sounds like fun! Floyd wants to make a trip to Ft McHenry...and there's always laundry. Dakota has a date with a mobile groomer on Wednesday...and we plan to continue our trek north on stop is Harve de Grace.  Til then we are just hanging out in Baltimore...watching the joggers, dog walkers and strollers from the shade on our aft deck. It's tough...but we are professionals!

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