Wednesday, January 22, 2014 things change ...quickly!! Tuesday started with howling we cancelled the mechanic ride and faced the fact that we just weren't going to be able to cross the gulf on Wednesday night with the "magical" weather window that our faithful weather people were predicting.

And then....and then... Poof, the mechanic came...and true to form, the noise did not return...we did, slow, forward, reverse, one engine, two, ....NOTHING!! So...we gathered, got a refund and headed out....6 hours later...following some night driving in a freezing cold ditch...we arrived at the White City bulkhead. Ample room...but no electricity. Ran the generator long enough to warm us up...then out...

600 this morning we headed into the sun...still in a ditch...our plan is to make Carabelle around 130 (time change)... Gas, water, pump out, groceries, walk the dog, MAIL....and cross the Gulf tonight...I'm sure we'll have lots of company. We've seen and been passed by several other loopers and many folks we've met along the way who are all waiting for the winds to die so they too can cross. It'll be a really long couple of days for us. But at least we'll be on the other side...which we think beats waiting for the next weather window. My real concern is for sweet Dakota...who even though he has his own "grassy area" is quite resistant to using it.

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