Sunday, January 12, 2014

Friday ...January 10...up and at 'em....Roger Turner was on board for sea testing the depth sounder, auto pilot and fluxgate compass....Dakota had successfully completed all his chores on his new sod potty!! So even though it was cloudy and cool, we were hopeful....but  alas...not to be! While Roger and Floyd were ever so frustrated, Dakota and I were VERY entertained by the 10 plus dolphins playing in our wake....momma and cub....and the whole group hung with us for quite some time. But even they tired of the constant circling....we headed back to the marina for plan compass! Second dolphins...more circling....but! Hey, That fixed the auto pilot issues...but no luck with the depth sounder.  We've been messing with that since we left Washington, DC....Roger to the rescue...we'll see how that works.  Meanwhile, rain was coming our we moved the sod to the bow of the boat. And the rain came pouring down....and Dakota quickly learned that sod was a good substitute for his normal routine! Woo hoo!! We are doing the happy dance!

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