Saturday, June 6, 2009

Georgetown to Myrtle Beach...long hot day...full of some new and interesting experiences. Just when you think you've seen it's a tram car...over the waterway...taking golfers from their cars to the golf course on the other side. ...and then signs that we were closer to New York City than Miami...and then of all things, a discount mall with its own marina...and Floyd drove right on by ....I was having a small stroke... then along came another distraction...and old guy on a jet ski...he drove along beside us for quite awhile...talking about our boat, the great loop experience we were having...then he'd speed off, only to return and repeat the whole thing. Floyd insisted that he was hitting on me...but no thanks. Coquina Marina entrance was marked by a private lighthouse...probably because there were three marinas/yacht clubs located there and one of them was called Lighthouse Marina. More than a little confusing...but we got it worked out. Kermit the tree frog was left behind there.

1 comment:

bb said...

LB says he certainly has enough confidence in Captain W and his first mate to travel anywhere the Tumbleweed might want to take him. I would say that you both have made a good impression on one land-locked flatlander, considering the largest body of water he has been on is Lake of the Ozark. Hee Hee. I think I might be able to handle just about anything as long as I have my dramamine. Visit more l8r. LB and BB