Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We saw the cutest things at Dowery Creek Marina...bottle tree and a bottle bush...equipped with lights even...and then discovered that Frank aboard the PEACEKEEPER who we had seen at Green Turtle Bay and then met at Carrabelle stayed here last winter and made them....small world!!!


JacqueNelson said...

Love the bottle trees! We see them around here........especially in Eureka Springs with dark blue glass. We hope to get around to having one in our hillbilly yard someday. What aspirations! The tree frog is rather cute. Is he still with you?

bb said...

Loved the pix of the giraffe. Too bad you couldn't have loaded him up and brought home for your Mom. You are definitely right, she would have loved it. Your tree frog is exactly like the ones we have on our house. Big noise, little frog. We had some pretty bad storms roll through a couple of days ago. We had over 2" and girls at Chanute had almost 5. Lots of wind, too. It is nice today, but in a Tornado warning through this p.m. Will be glad when you get home. Be safe. Will e-mail and call l8r Love LB and BB