Friday, July 23, 2010

The Cape Vincent saga is almost over...and you won't believe this tale. We pulled in here on Monday, July 12th for a one night stay. We had a situation crossing Lake Ontario when the over temp alarm went off. Floyd discovered it was the starboard transmission...bone dry and definately heated. He added transmission fluid...we alarm did not go off...transmission worked just fine. But we wanted someone to look at Tuesday morning, mechanic showed up...diagonised a leak in the transmission seal. Ordered the seal and began removal of the starboard transmission. When they finished reinstalling everything on Thursday afternoon, transmission would not shift. Re checked several options...left for the night in a quandry. Friday morning they announced that after checking with their experts, the concensus was that we had fried the transmission. So we ordered a NEW transmission...and began the waiting game. Promised delivery on Tuesday. Tuesday dawned with the announcement that the supplier had recieved the transmission...not the marina...ooppps, sorry, guess there was a miss communication about where to ship it. So we waited some more...Finally came at about quiting time on worked all day Thursday the 22nd...finished around 4...and guess what???? That transmission didn't shift either. Scratched and hem-hawed...left to go home to their nice homes...while we continued to step around, over, and among parts, tools and holes in the floor...not to mention that we had been hiking up the hill to use the toilets. We started calling and talked with Jim Henry, the expert who had worked on our transmission in Lottsburg...within 5 seconds of hearing our tale, he said, "they have installed the transmission fluid pump backwards."....and indeed they had. Today, July 23rd, we borrowed a car to go to Canada (the marina we thought we'd be in two weeks ago) to pick up our packages of mail. They called about 3 to say...fixed...shifts...runs. Now the negotiation will begin...we have a new transmission (which we didn't need), new pump and clutch plate (also not needed)...they have spent hours installing things...we've been hiking up the hill for 8 of those days.... and we've been here 12 days....our schedule is so far off we are thinking that we'll probably just store the boat up here somewhere and finish the loop next year. How much should we pay? Tomorrow bright and early we head out for a test run...then straight to the pump out and fuel dock...Floyd will take his check book to meet with the dock master (Clay) and owner (Ron) ....then post haste...we are outta here. Stay tuned for the finale!!!