Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Sojourner friends commented last week that boating was "hours of pleasant boredom followed by moments of sheer terror"...and that sure describes the rest of the day. About 30 minutes out from Cape Vincent the over-temp alarm blared...starboard engine showed plenty of oil pressure and oil temp was good, yet that LOUD alarm was blaring. Shutting down the starboard engine, I took the helm and Floyd went below to check things out...discovered the transmission oil reservoir was bone dry. He managed to add a quart ...we ran on the port engine for awhile...then the restart was good. Ever so cautiously, we headed into Cape Vincent...Anchor Marina had about 6 sail boats docking when we arrived and told us to just pull to the back wall...plenty of room there for us...wind blowing against us all the way...well, their idea of plenty of room is sure different than mine...but hey, it was another fine example of boat handling and those stringy things are attached.... we are here...mechanic coming in the morning to see where all that transmission fluid went...leaving will be another moment of terror I'm sure. But then I'm skiddish...cause leave we must!!!!

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