Monday, August 1, 2011

Cruise to Racine was probably our second best experience on Lake Michigan...water was smooth except for boat wakes. Temps in 80s made for a cool run...we just had to go about 18 miles...arrival at ReefPoint marina in Racine was a hoot. I had talked with a couple of different people in their office about how we were coming to see Bill and Bobbi Haag and wanting to stay in a slip close to them if possible. Bill had also contacted them about us...what we didn't know was that there was another transient boat arriving on Saturday under the name of Haag so the office girls were totally confused and soon so were we... we went turn around...come this right...W-dock???? oh, really, that's closer to E dock???? "Hey, Floyd..." no wait, back to where you were...much laughter from dock buddies...we finally landed...or docked...and I must admit, the best line help I've had in ages....!!!! (Don't mention that we've had NO help since Pentwater.)

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