Sunday, September 11, 2011

It truly has been an amazing three year journey...but the destination is just a pass through point. As we move to the Tennessee River, we are hoping that it is as beautiful and scenic as everyone has said. We'd really like to not be driven to complete a trip...but to enjoy a traveling boating experience that can include more of our friends and relatives. We are not ready to give up the TUMBLEWEED but we do know that the Lake of the Orzarks is not where we want to return. Wednesday, we are heading south, retracing our beginnings to Green Turtle Bay in Grand Rivers, Kentucky. We'll rent a car and be back in Wichita for Clinton's wedding, Fredonia Homecoming, my 45th class reunion, and the St George Lebanese Dinner. Then return to TUMBLEWEED to move to the Tennessee River, attend the LOOPER rendezvous and find a new home port at Ditto Landing, Huntsville, Alabama. So stay tuned for TUMBLEWEED Adventures , Part 2!!!!

1 comment:

gerk said...

Congrats, Hoob! Sounds like it was an awesome adventure. I really enjoyed following along. Thanks for documenting it all!