Friday, April 4, 2014

Another busy day in paradise....I ventured to a nail salon for a much needed mani/pedi... Always makes me miss the special friend and manicurist I have at home!!! But a girl must be trimmed and polished... Floyd's chore changing the oil in both engines was complicated by the WalMart guy who sold him the wrong oil filters.....luckily, the NAPA guy here was super...and even delivered the right filters to him at the marina. We made another trip to the grocery...and couple loads of free laundry...played with Dakota on the done.

Sad to say our plans to get with Lindsay Wasser fell in crisis have priority...and should. But it would have been delightful to see her.

This whole area has literally exploded with people today....a Carnival cruise ship arrived last night and was loading for departure this afternoon...people, cars, and buses everywhere. Tomorrow is the Cooper Bridge Run which is evidently a big marathon event. All week we have watched Coast Guard, Sheriff officers, and police come and boats and cars....seems the marina here is the event security headquarters. Should make for an interesting departure in the morning!!!

Oh, and the marina is packed! A small boat came in this afternoon an rafted up with a bigger boat on the far dock. Didn't work so well when that cruise ship stirred up big wakes! Lots on rock in' and Rollin' in Charleston....busy harbor!

Tomorrow morning we plan to meet up with John and Dianne aboard TUTTO BIENNE...and travel to Georgetown, SC...then on to Mrytle Beach on Sunday. Weatherman is calling for scattered start scattering....far from us, please!

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