Friday, April 11, 2014

Rain finally made an appearance...but it was not near the event the forecasters had predicted!  We left Myrtle Beach in a light rain and motored to Indigo Plantation Marina near Bald Head Island.  A small off the path place with free laundry and plenty of room for Dakota to run. The security guard was glad to have company...and even supervised our last load of laundry. Captain even let us sleep on Wednesday.

We motored to Masonboro and stayed at the yacht club there...interesting place! They are under going  a huge upgrade of facilities...we noticed a rather LARGE new slab of cement...and lots of earth being moved. When the dock master mentioned to Floyd that he had scheduled a barge operation to arrive early the next morning...and we were in the way...BUT if we left the dock by 7:15 AM , he'd let us stay free! Yep, you know it! We were outta there at 7:10!!!! And the temp was 52! Just a little nippy out there!

Put in an extra long day...9 hours and full of those bridges that only open on the hour or half hour....some waiting was involved...but not too bad really....our first choice marina was we needed to get past Camp Lejeunes before we could find another...another couple of hours down the last night we were at Dudley's in Swansboro....well worth the extra hours....a courtesy car, a trip to the grocery, and restaurant food! What a treat! Though Camp Lejeune keeps firing cannons....or something really big...sure got Dakota spooked and he hardly ever reacts to fireworks etc.. You often feel the vibration of the power of is just a little unnerving even for me! Folks around here say happens all the time. Go Marines!

Today is only a four and a half hour cruise to a notch in the ICW called SeaGate marina...we stayed there last go round, and it is literally a pond notched out of the channel...nothing there but a protected place to stay. We've got several large sounds to cross in the next couple of days as we make our way to Norfolk.

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