Wednesday, May 25, 2016

And just as they predicted...wind came, temps cooled and rain started. They had said at it was right on schedule.

Yesterday's excitement included the arrival of the impeller that fixed the day head dry flush problem (yeah!!)...and the sad discovery that the latest patching of the dinghy didn't work!! Dakota is heartbroken...he almost dragged me into the lake trying to reach his departing Daddy...he just knew he was going to get a dinghy ride out of all that.  Floyd managed to get it to the boat...but it is leaking rapidly. We won't really need it on Lake the decision is that we'll need more patching materials and that Floyd can work on that in July when I travel home for a visit. It'll give him meaning and purpose.

The other bit of excitement occurred as the wind arrived but before the rain, when emergency vehicles suddenly gathered at the marina. Officers fired up the rescue boat, donned gear and took off with lights flashing....seems they had gotten a call about a man in the water off the far point. Floyd went over to chat with those on shore...all volunteers...and they returned shortly...nothing! No harm, no foul, no nothing. But, man, were we in the perfect spot for observing!!

We are hoping the rain and cooler temps will eliminate these midges...what a nuisance!! Huge swarms just hanging around...we really have to be aware of breathing and talking as we come and go from the boat....they seem to like our aft deck and side panels...they are easily inhaled.... Icky!! The Off lantern seems to discourage them...but we'd like to save those for the mosquitos that we know are in our far, none of Floyd's cigar smoke has done the trick!! Though he is still experimenting!!

We plan to head to Traverse City tomorrow...(that shopping list continues to grow). We remain hopeful that the weather will clear and we can head out of here this weekend.

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