Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rainy night..cloudy morning...sunny afternoon! Just like being in Kansas...well, except right now they are in 40 days of rain...but usually that's the way it works. Turned out to be a lovely day ...Floyd out did himself with special stopped raining just in time for the car show (about 150 classic cars) ...and bright and sunny for a delightful little 5 o'clock wedding in the gazebo....
But what you really want to hear about is that dinghy floor replacement!

Detective Walpole to the rescue...he watched the UPS truck go down the street...right on by the marina ...pulled out his trusty computer and discovered "his dinghy floor" had been left at the back off he went...three doors down, on the back porch...sure enough, box with his name and marina address...lugged it back here! Quick as a flash, the old floor came out and the new one slipped right in. Aired up...motor replaced....we are thrilled! We plan to purchase some sort of rug to use as protective covering for it while we are in Traverse City tomorrow and then come back and take a little dinghy ride...woo hoo!

Though I'm beginning to worry that Floyd won't have anything to worry about now that the damn dinghy is finally fixed!! Oh, yeah, toilets!! Heheheh!

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