Friday, May 27, 2016

It's a moment, for sure!...Floyd has spent countless hours for a couple of boating seasons fighting with that leaky dinghy floor....patches, special glue and loads of advice from other boaters and even a few passing strangers....he admitted defeat and ordered a replacement floor today. It was a struggle...and according to me, a long time with impending holiday weekend, we worry that delivery may be delayed. So even though he paid almost the cost again to have it "next day" delivered....we are a little skeptical. Stay tuned!

We spent today finishing the cleaning chores and preparing the crew quarters...we are ever so hopeful that this summer we will have guests. I told Floyd that since we are ready.....they probably won't please, go ahead, make me wrong.

I've been a cooking girl all week...roast...chili...BBQ tonight we eat out!! Oh, and those Rummikub lessons are going really well!! Wedding rehearsal at the gazebo is in full swing...and guys are measuring off the grassy area to the north for a classic car show...dockmaster Mark tells us they expect 200 autos....tomorrow should be full of activity! Our work here is almost done, so Dakota and I plan on front row seats...oh, and picture taking!!

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