Sunday, July 16, 2017

Spent most of the day Friday in the laundry is a great place to meet other boaters. Since it was free use two big front load washers and dryers, I did it ALL! Captain said I could have the day off on Saturday... my reward for hard work! Finished my book and did little else! I had planned to work on my tan at the big pool ...but the weekenders showed up with a I opted out. Storms blew in on Saturday night...didn't last long but sure cooled things off. And reeked havoc with boater travel plans...We've been tracking boats on the Chicago Yacht Club app as the Race to Mackinaw is this weekend....they are reporting the highest numbers ever of boats quitting the race. Probably weather related.

Weather predictions still look good for us to move to Oconto's not far...we'll be there three or four days before heading to Green Bay. Floyd is excited to be going to the air show...and then I'm headed home...gonna hug me some grand boys...and others. And visit my dresser and nail person is on the list for sure!

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