Tuesday, August 6, 2019

We rounded the bend..and there was Paducah in the distance...sun is going down...three boats there and they are all at dinner! No one to catch our lines as we dock ...but you know what, we got this! Piece of cake!! Plugged in...AC humming...We are here...14 and a half hours of solid boating!! Locks we encountered were drive bys...with no wake zones...we are beat! But elated !! The hardest longest day ever...TUMBLEWEED and Captain Floyd preformed well ...despite the pressure the weather gods developed!

And Dakota is on a mission...it’s a long uphill walk to shore...where a small skunk is scurrying away...thank god for quick reactions and strong leashes or we’d been dealing with another problem for sure!

Our friends returned...we had an hour or so of great conversation...alcohol and made plans to travel together up the Cumberland to Green Turtle Bay ...and we were OUT.

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