Tuesday, August 6, 2019

When it’s two o’clock and you’re just reaching the halfway point....oh, my....Cairo was busy busy busy...barges parked everywhere...Dakota looking anxiously at grass...but nope! We’re now going upstream against current on the Ohio...water is green instead of mud brown. No swirling water.... there are locks under construction...and a huge no wake zone that slow our progress. But we’ve heard from SaSea Sally and Taryn Aweigh...they are both in Paducah waiting for us. We encourage them to not wait to eat with us...looks like we won’t arrive until sunset or after...which is 824 pm....not that we know exactly!! We are using every bit of daylight.!!

And just as we approached Metropolis...the wind began a sweeping change and the clouds gathered...it was a huge pop up rain storm! We cleared the fly bridge and Captain Floyd prepared to push on...though blinding rain. He says it’s like driving in fog but you get wet! Dakota and I ducked inside...but we were a nervous wreck! Or two! Rain rain...wind wind...and prayers prayers! And then poof it’s clear...and a beautiful sunset ...

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