Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Soooo...plan D....we pulled into Carabelle right on schedule. Had our lists and were ready to roll....but wait...the forecast has changed. A cold front is expected to blow in at 4 AM...which means we won't have the 23 hour window of low waves to make the crossing. Well, crap!! That wasn't what we wanted to hear!

So, did they have a slip we could occupy until the weather cleared?? Of course, .....but measuring and plotting....estimating and re-thinking....the finger pier just isn't long enough to allow Dakota and I to exit gracefully. So walked to the next marina where they were more than accomadating. Three hours later, and we were greeted by maybe 8 other looper acquaintances....docktails....supper with some lovely folks from Holland...quick shower...and I'm ready for bed. Must be 9 o'clock....I'm disappointed we couldn't cross...but I'm tired...I need a haircut, pedicure and Dakota needs a groomer...maybe we can find someone in this small place to help us out. Don't think we're going anywhere for a while!


bb said...

Daaannnnggggit! May the winds be with you for the nest few days! ❤️

bb said...
