Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We had thought that we'd stay along the wall at Lock 36 for the night...but the day was young and SEGUE was headed on...so we did too. Locking through a couple more proved to be interesting. Couldn't help but notice the new wood on this lock door. Lock master informed us that it was just installed this spring. He then commented that we were from Kansas and he'd actually visited Kansas. Oh, really...where???? Would you believe...Neodesha!!!! (where my parents were raised and I was born...just down the road from Fredonia, where I grew up.) Seems that he was once a Cobalt boat dealer/salesman and had attended their annual convention held at Grand Lake, Shangri La Resort, and drove their rental car to Neodesha to tour the plant. SMALL WORLD!!!!

1 comment:

bb said...

OMG!! How fun.... Never know who you might run into these days..... Have more fun.....