Friday, August 18, 2017

And the rain and wind arrived right on schedule...good day for sleeping in! Why is it that when you could, you can't! Definitely a cloudy, colder day...somehow we managed to do 5 loads of laundry and a few boat chores. This is exhausting work!

Thursday we took a leisurely stroll through town...Floyd made an important visit to the hardware store, I found an UP T-shirt I needed, and late lunch at Ludington Grill...then more hiking to Elmer's Grocery store. We have somehow managed to make reservations at Fayette for tomorrow...(can I just say we aren't the only ones complaining about the Michigan State website for marinas!!) just need the weather to cooperate...these winds need to die down...Fayette tomorrow and Washington Island (time change) on Sunday....then wanting for the weather window for crossing back to Leland (time change)... we are probably going to wear out some clocks flip-flopping time zones. But it'll probably keep us out of trouble!! For a while!

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