Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Walked the town of Menominee yesterday....Floyd attended the condo board meeting by phone and we went back to Murray's for burgers and then down the street for ice cream. Pretty uneventful day.

Left this morning for Egg Harbor...just 16 miles across the bay...but waves were enough to make that trip more of a dog leg than the straight shot it could have been. We arrived about 1:00 to one of the smallest marinas we've stayed at for a long long time. And they are so busy that we'll have to leave by 11 tomorrow. We hiked up the hill for a sandwich (Casey's BBQ with the penny covered bar...2717 pennies, one Mexican peso and one dime) ..and ice cream at Grumpy's...! Did my bit for the local economy...took some photos...Floyd got in a nap...and Dakota made new friends, he's got them in every port! Tomorrow we go just 6 miles to Fish Creek...

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