Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Monday...june 24...and , of course, the weather turned back to cold and the rains came....serious fog settled in and big boats began to seek refuge. Of course, they are parked between us and the marina internet signal...so in spite of my efforts to blog yesterday, I was unsuccessful.

Tuesday....june 25... sunshine...but the wind is a blowing and temps might make 60...Dakota and I are ashore...camping on the iron bench beside the marina office...blogging away....oh, and practicing our social skills...cause who can resist his handsome face?  So far we’ve met Winston, Walter, and Wrigley....and several dog owners who’d like to have Dakota come show their dogs how to behave. Really...he’s is the best....and we’re headed to Leland so he can get a bath and serious brushing on Monday. For a non-shedding dog, he is sure leaving pieces of himself everywhere.

So weather for the next week looks good....we think we’re on top of the electrical issue....so either tomorrow or Thursday we head back to Charlevoix and begin the trek south. Stay tuned for further developments!!!❤️

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