Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Tuesday...june 4
Figured I’d better start dating these things before I get lost in the flurry!

We boated to Elk Rapids...new chart plotter worked (almost)....lol, something with the depth sounder won’t register after we got in past 100 feet. But really, that’s plenty deep enough.

The Bay was delightfully smooth...though just a bit cooler than we like. Captain Floyd bundled up but Dakota and I were fine ....it’s was a most pleasant couple of hours. Then during the last 5 minutes, the bugs arrived. Tiny, mosquito like insects swarmed everywhere and then some...covering us, the boat and any surface...everywhere everywhere...and then those that didn’t die onboard disappeared. It was truly weird.

But even weirder, is this new and improved electrical system that seems to be anti-TUMBLEWEED. This is our second encounter with this issue...we don’t like it...and I guess not boating last year we are behind the curve on getting our boat up to snuff. We were planning to visit a guy in Boyne City to get a fix on “boat voltage leakage” but when we heard he’d left the country, we thought we could probably get to Kentucky without a fix. Now we’re rethinking that. The folks that put in our new chart plotter seem to think they can get us fixed...so we’re heading back to Northport later today....and they’ll be onboard Thursday anyway...

So...heading out to play tourist for a bit...then a two hour run back...but we really like Northport!

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