Monday, June 17, 2019

So our electrical saga continues....after several misses yesterday, we tried different connector cords. They seemed to work...but then tried our cords and they worked...much discussion followed.  But really, we’ve used the cords we have for 12 years....Floyd thinks they came with the boat...and we’ve dropped them in the water, banged them against the boat and docks...they’ve endured rain, hail, sleet and snow. So bright and early, using a car borrowed from Linda he went to purchase new cords. $$$$ later....nope, not really....these don’t work. So calls to electrical guy...he’s driving to Charlevoix tomorrow...we’re all puzzled. But you know what? It’s an old boat...and former owner thought he could do this rabbit hole could be deep and long....we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeve. But really we’d like to do it and do it right....stay tuned for further developments!!

Til then we’re hanging on the aft deck. New mirror installed in the aft head...and dinner with Linda and Ted Bemis is on tap for tonight! Sun is shining...temps a cool 63... breeze off the water is keeping us in sweatshirts! Life is good!

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