Sunday, March 29, 2009

Plans for this week include anchoring out at Ft Matanzas on Monday, then on into St Augustine on Tuesday. From there it is a two day run into Jacksonville. We will probably be there by Friday...Our plane for Wichita leaves on the 10th which gives us plenty of time to play and get the boat ready for a break in action. We'll be seeing you soon.

1 comment:

bb said...

Whoo Hooo - What a thrill to see Kennedy Space Center. Great pixs. Could even see your skinned leg while you were standing under the booster rockets. LB is frothing at the mouth. He has always wanted to see the shuttle and the space center. You will have him inthralled when you come home. The ice and snow here are melting today, but talk about cold. 17 for a low last night. Suppose to be around 40 today. Will be glad when spring finally arrives in Kansas. Have more fun and see you in a couple of weeks. Love to you both. LB and BB