Sunday, March 22, 2009

Something is Fishy...I'm warning you...somehow, someone got into my address book and sent e-mails to everyone there about "SECURE SHOPPING"....wasn't me....don't need to go there. The other bad thing is it also wiped out my address book...My apologies about all that. So we aren't going today where we planned and I'm in a funk about this mass email and the loss of my addresses...guess I go bury myself in a book...geesshhh. Floyd is gonna play with power tools. To each his own!!!!


bb said...

LB and I are curious as to whether or not you have seen the space shuttle launch? Someone said it happened already? We thought it was coming up on the 24th. Are we off base or what? Could be since we are retired and loose track of the days. Great pixs and the duo knee jobs are sad but funny too. Although Lindsay's doesn't look as severe. Don't work the Captain too hard. He still has some more water to deal with before you anchor for this leg. L8R G8R LB and bb

JacqueNelson said...

I wondered about the email for the 'shopping site'....I knew that was not your writing and it had funny spaces (or not) in it like it had been pasted. I deleted it without checking out those cheap electronics. Sorry about your address book tho! Bummer! Your pic of the sunset is gorgeous. We are supposed to be warm and sunny here today so planning to get some flowers planted!