Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friday was our day. We finished cleaning out the crew quarters which we have been using as a pantry in anticipation of our crew arrival!!! It is looking good!!! We bled the hydraulic lines for the steering and sure enough full of air instead of fluid. A quick check and we headed out to enjoy the Bay and test things. It went really well...there for an hour or so everything that was suppose to move did...the Captain managed a huge grin and happy dance. This photo is him doing his "look Ma, no hands" driving. We went out and hour and back for an hour on one engine testing shaft locks. Worked great. Last on our list was the full throttle run...and that's when the starboard transmission went out!!!! DANG it all!!! Just like in Orange Beach last February...only this time it is the other engine...we called BoatTow US (yep, that's them towing us back into the marina slip)...ever thankful for that insurance policy. The excitement with us never ends. We think we know the will be the issue and TIME. We are suppose to leave Sunday AM for Myrtle Beach and, of course, crew arrives on Thursday. Then cruise scheduling becomes an issue. The pressure, the pressure. Waiting for mechanics to assess and then we'll have to have a business meeting to decide how to proceed. Bauman's... we'll be calling to keep you posted...keep your fingers crossed.

1 comment:

JacqueNelson said...

Uuuueeeee, always something. May the force be with you!! Glad you got to see Monticello......we were impressed with that tour.