Sunday, April 4, 2010

Train trip back to the boat was delightful. Things since then have not really gone according to the plan. Boat hull had not been painted, cables for shaft locks had not arrived, and transducer for new depth finder had not been been installed. We are far removed from things like motels and restaurants. THANK GOODNESS for Bob Jackson and his lovely partner Hillary Derby...a chance encounter at the marina in June that has become a delightful experience in April. They met us at the train station, toured us through the cherry blossoms in Washington DC, took us to the car rental...and have agreed to house and feed us until such time as the boat is in the water. They have a HUGE house with great views of the cove and live just across from the marina. Floyd has spent quality animal time playing with their cat, Riley. We can see the TUMBLEWEED from there. Hillary loves to cook. We are able to come and go, work on the boat yet have great meals, a hot shower and comfy bed. We have giggled a time or three about Bob being more careful about strange women he picks up at the marina. Things are progressing. Our six boxes arrived and are unpacked. Boat hull is painted, transducer is installed, and cables are supposed to come on Monday. With any luck, we could have the boat in the water and living aboard by Tuesday. Anyone wanna bet on that happening???

1 comment:

bb said...

OMG!! What next??? Sounds like you have a couple of wonderful angles in the right place at the right time.... Give the Captain a hug and see you in about 3 weeks..