Friday, April 23, 2010

Wednesday we played tourist by visiting Monticello, home of Thomas Jefferson. Rained on us as we made the two and a half hour drive but by the time we arrived at the tourist center the sky cleared into another gorgeous day. The tulips were in full bloom so every thing looked just like the postcard. What an interesting trip! Monticello is first class and full of all sorts of points of interest...not to mention great views. He was tall in stature (6'3") and still stands tall in the eyes of the nation. We are even more intrigued with his contrasts...the man who coined and believed in "all men are created equal" was a major slave owner...and fathered several children with his house servant, Sally Hemings (DNA tests in 1998 added descendants to the Jefferson clan). While he freed several slaves in his will, Sally wasn't one of them. We spent a delightful afternoon exploring the plantation and all it had to offer. On the way back we managed a short visit with former Wichita police officer Harvey May and his family. A short stop at Walmart and we were back to the TUMBLEWEED by 9:30.

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