Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 12…moment of panic when Linda yells about the Rideau salad floating by the boat( Captain thought it was maybe something to worry about.)… then another moment when the Captain thinks he’s misjudged the bridge opening…but not to worry…it’s all good…and we continue to be made aware that often what you say is misinterpreted / misunderstood by the other. Luckily it hasn’t caused us trouble just tension…unnecessary tension … we must be getting old…lol..
First narrow part…and poof, around the bend comes a small boat…rocks on both sides…and he’s not giving way…little bit of excitement there…coming out of our second lock in a narrow channel…we encounter a boat more our size…once again, he has way more room to maneuver than we do…but he just keeps on coming…cement walls 20’ apart…and we know we are 12’ wide…exciting!!!! Oh, it’s gonna be a fun day, hey.
A little excitement today provided by our sweet Dakota…got excited by people and dogs at a busy lock and hopped off the boat. EEEEcckkkk…didn’t last long…but scared us and him. Then coming through another narrow section with lots of tall trees, he got spooked. Hopefully this will pass.
So Chaffy Lock where we wanted to stay is full full…so we went a couple of miles further to Davis Lock…#39…on a very low pier with power…gonna be some AC running tonight!!!! Several folks here headed the other direction…and the kids working the lock are super friendly (and bored with nothing to do). Dakota is the hit…oh, and some little dog named Pippen, who found a turtle…then jumped in the marsh water after it…and then rolled in the dirt…glad to NOT be on that boat!
Tomorrow into Kingston most of the locks are grouped together and it is only 33 miles. But can’t start until 9....YEAH!

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