Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 3…we slept like rocks! Even Dakota was a slug this morning…Frenchies are all gone … we lollygagged around and spent time letting Dakota run loose in the park and chase and chew sticks. At the crack of 9:55 AM we pulled away from the mooring wall only to hear TRITON on the radio announcing their arrival on the other side. We talked briefly…but kept on…it was a great ride…smooth waters…wind has died down a little and the sun is finally shining. Lovely homes and little towns dot the waterway…only one cable ferry today…and we only have 14 miles to the marina in Sorel…we’ll be on the St Lawrence River…they say it’s a great stop to get groceries…and we need them.
Our dockage into the marina here was just a bit tricky…those winds hadn’t died so much…but we didn’t buy any boat parts so all is good. That close grocery store was a long 30 minute walk…and the sun is shining…we aren’t complaining…but geesh, we were ever so glad we had that wheelie cart…lugging groceries is not fun.
Tonight we are in party marina on Friday night…no one speaks much English and we don’t speak much French…the older boaters are having a pot luck at the picnic area (lots of wine and drinking songs) and the younger ones are playing loud music and dancing on the docks. I’m talking Michael Jackson, Alabama, and Alan Jackson…oh, and some French things…they’ll pay for all this when we fire up our big engines at 0’dark thirty in the morning… hehehe…
From here on we are headed home…mostly west and/or south…We head to Montreal tomorrow…against the current on the St Lawrence…we plan to visit the city briefly…then there is a busy commercial canal with two huge locks we have to transit. We are studying the books about all that. Stay tuned!

St Ours lock at the end of the day…and we tied to the floating dock there to spend the night. Quiet rural setting…with two other boats of French speaking Canadians…they pretty much help and then leave you alone…cause you don’t speak the language.  Picnickers, fisherman, dogs and children… it was a busy little park area…and then who should go whizzing by with a wave and giggles…those men on PANDORA II…lol…no damage…and they went from being thirty minutes ahead of us all day to thirty minutes behind…then boom bang…two more French speaking boats arrive…one is nicknamed Captian Boom Boom…lol…not the most graceful docking…

Turned on our phones to check in …discovered all our Looper friends are stuck on the flooding Erie Canal...Dee is gonna buy a condo by us…and Ryne misses Gma and Papou…We had steak and veggies on the aft deck…it was a great ending to a great day. 

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