Saturday, July 25, 2015

July 22…I should mention that two big houseboats passed the marina headed to Buckhorn (one in the dark)…actually makes us glad we aren’t on the wall there…cause they are probably parked on the blue line…partying!!!
We are on the move as planned…7 AM…Dakota and I are below where its warm…it’ll be a couple of hours before our services are needed…well, except for taking coffee to the Captain (which we aren’t really very good at)…as it warms up the wind picks up…we are at the Bobcaygeon Lock just before 9 and join two other boats on the blue line…before the gate closes we are joined by ALWAYS HOME and AUNT AGGIE…somehow they squeeze all of us in the lock…fun to watch…and amazing to experience…we are off to Fenelon Falls…it’s a parade…we are joined by a house boat…but not to worry. There is plenty of room on the wall with electricity … AUNT AGGIE joins us for lunch on the aft deck…then SEAHORSE folks return and join us. We are all talking and eating and sharing stories on the aft deck. I failed to notice the little wasp like creature on my carrot…and BAM! Shock to the tongue!!!! OUCH! Thank goodness I have ice water handy!!!
Soon Jim and Elaine appear…bearing gifts…and I can’t begin to tell you how good it is to re-connect!!! They brought Chardonnay for me, a cute Canadian bandana for Dakota and some maple syrup for Floyd…we walk down the line to watch boats lock through and have Kawartha ice cream…breeze through town to scope things out. Elaine and I will return tomorrow to do our bit for the local economy. Jim and Elaine have a BBQ place they want to take us for supper. Off we go…Then we return to the aft deck to provide a meal for the local misquotes….Geesh!!! After doing a version of the Canadian folk dance, fighting them off…We make plans to meet for breakfast and call it a night.

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