Wednesday, July 8, 2015

July 5…All is quiet at the marina…Floyd went off to solve the security gate key issue and check on the ferry. We could easily make the 11:30 ferry into Montreal, so that’s the plan. Once there finding the hop-on, hop-off bus was not so easy…we walked in circles for about an hour then decided to stop at an outdoor café for lunch/brunch and see if one went by us. Sure enough, every 15 minutes or so, one went by and stopped right at the corner…so we bought a ticket and rode. It was a delightful two hour tour narrated by Richard …Old Town, the Olympic area, a big park, Hippy fest, Jazz Fest, … we saw it all and really were not tempted to hop off. We thought that very unusual for us…we can always find something interesting to investigate. Montreal just didn’t seem to spark that in us. We checked out a couple of souvenir shops and came away empty. Somehow managed to walk right by the bakery…we are still trying to lose weight. (Floyd’s lost over 20 pounds to my 6…but the belly fat is melting away…) Floyd, on the other hand, finally found a liquor store. He bought consumable souvenirs…and now he’ll sleep better knowing his supply of Jack won’t run out.
Waiting for the ferry we noticed the pressurized water-boot demonstration…we have seen a couple now…the newest way to separate tourists from their money…we think Kelli could be a star at this…but she probably needs to wait until after this baby is born…
We were able to give our second day bus tour passes to a couple of young ones from NY…and arrived back at our marina around 5:30…where most of the boats around us had changed. We are now among the residents…guess they didn’t know the marina rented their slips when they weren’t here???? Hmmm, interesting!
Tomorrow we pass around Montreal with the large ocean going freighters…two large locks in a canal…and we are low man on the totem pole. Some we talk to say they wait up to 5 hours…and no going ashore…poor Dakota. And we are hoping the temps stay lower than predicted. We’ve studied the maps and charts…Skipper Bob book gave Captain Floyd another route over to St Ann de Bellevue…we’ll be on a wall in small town Canada tonight.

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