Tuesday, January 7, 2014

On the boat again !! We couldn't wait!! And from the looks of Kansas weather, we got out just in time. Though things are cold here...not near what it is in Wichita. We had to laugh at the school closings...all because the weather was expected to be in the teens!! We are snug as bugs waiting for a few last minute repairs ...hope the warm front arrives on schedule...we should be outta Dog River the end of the week. Yesterday we did a little tourist action...visited the world famous Bellingrath gardens and home. What a sight! Pleasant tour on a sunny if cool day. Glad we went. We are hoping to spend a couple of days at Fairhope Ala...a quaint place we missed last time around. We plan to stop at Lulu's for lunch and Floyd wants to visit the Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola....then new canvas work awaits in St Pete's ....we are excited for that. But first there is that long gulf crossing. This time we'll have the auto pilot...but we'll also have the four-legged passenger, who so far is resisting all our efforts to teach him to "do it" on the astro turf. We do have one more trick up our sleeve...we ordered a square of sod...hopefully, that will provide the proper incentive to sweet Dakota. If it doesn't , he's not going to enjoy boating so much. Stay tuned to see how that works. Stay warm wherever you are!

1 comment:

Bucket List said...

I sent an Email to the NAS Marina to see if they will let me sponsor you into the marina. Haven't heard back yet.