Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wind is howling...but we are taking it on the bow. Another day that makes us grateful for a lower helm station. Around the bend...into NAS Pensacola Bayou Grande Marina...where the wind blew us right into that slip!! Power and water... Dog ashore, where he managed to find the sticker patch...2ish and Floyd is headed off to find the air museum. But alas, not today. Dock master suggests that tomorrow would be better...he'll provide transportation...and it is pretty much an all day visit. I might even be convinced to tag along...though I must admit at this stage of life, I'm about done with touring boats, planes, and RVs. Just saying! Cold front coming through again tonight...temps should drop to the teens....very bearable for this Kansas crew.

Entertainment again today was provided by dolphins...we never grow tired of having them play around us. Dakota has even started noticing them. But there will be no photos....I've got bunches of almost shots...those suckers are hard to catch in the frame. But it is fun to have them back in our life. 

We were also given a private showing by the Blue Angels....twisting, turning, smoke on, smoke off, in formation, catching up, loops, rolls, low pass (right over the boat) do it all again...again, makes you proud to be an American...but it was too dang cold to be on the bow trying to get a photo. So just google that!

Enchiladas are out...we should be joined for supper this evening by our new favorite sailor Sydney Kniep ...

1 comment:

krappard said...

If you're using your phone you can hold the button down and it will take several shots in a row. Or take video and then take a screen shot from the video :)