Monday, January 27, 2014

Pizza from the IGA store fueled the many plans that were made Saturday night about the Sunday GREAT Gulf crossing. Can I just say that of all our experiences...and we've already done this loop...this long overnight crossing is truly intimidating.... We are old folks who really like our jammies and being in bed at 10 PM is not unusual. Just the thought of being alert and driving this big boat all night cleared my arteries. Floyd, on the other hand, was eager to face this challenge.  (Last time we came around we took the shorter 7 hour route and crossed to Stienhatchee , then made daily hops down the coast to the friendly waters of Tarpan Springs. We were lucky in that we got three days of good weather.)..we knew we wouldn't be that lucky this time. Plus this was one of those reasons we are going around do the things we missed out on.... So big crossing...from Carabelle to Clearwater. That was our plan...and we stuck to it!

We pulled out of Carabelle at 10AM...going with us was INCH-N-ALONG, BEACH QUEST, FIELD TRIP and PEREGRINE. All couples we knew. Cold and calm 7.5 MPH we knew it would take us 23 continuous hours of boating. We had run the dog, made sandwiches, and loaded in supplies. Boy, are we glad we did. Rough sea (it really wasn't too bad) is not the place to be involved in food preparation.

Dark is dark...and was it ever! So comforting to see other friendly navigation lights and hear and talk on the radio during the experience. Floyd and I were able to take shifts at the helm...started with one hour shifts...moving to two. A few showers, rougher spots, and then FOG greeted us. But the temp had warmed to the 60s...and smooth water for our entrance into Clearwater. Right on time...we docked, secured two lines...then Dakota and I made the MAD DASH to a grassy area. We did not take him to his "Soddy" place in the dark on rough sea...and then this morning when we did take him, he refused to "do it"! So he spent the night curled up with one of us...and yes, held it for 23 hours.  We giggled at the mess that sod is making on our bow...and almost at the same time suggested that on tomorrow's run to St Pete's , it is going overboard. We can't think of a single time where we will need it...and it doesn't seem to be working any how.

So breakfast of champions (leftover sausage gravy and biscuits and eggs) ....naps...and we are headed out this evening to find a good burger. I hope we can stay awake long enough to help our Lady Shockers win...but I'm just saying they might have to do this one without much help....unless they consider snoring to be loud cheering!!

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