Sunday, January 12, 2014

Days full of is getting warmer.we think we are on track to fix electrical issues and Roger Turner thinks he can solve our chart plotter compass/depth sounder on Wednesday we were invaded by the electrical crew to chase down currents and overloads. Since installing the new heat/air conditioning unit in the bow while we were home ...and our return to a cold winters greeting.... we've spent most of our time popping breakers. Something was not right!! Turns out that several things weren't right...and haven't things like stove top, microwave, toaster oven, and gallery circuits were routed to their proper breakers. Seems to have solved all sorts of problems! (At what cost???)  Oh, and we picked up a good sized bit of sod. The lady was so nice...made sure we knew to bring Dakota with us. After play time with her, she announced she was giving us sod for free....we just needed to let her know if it worked. Not too sure the car rental agency will be thrilled with the mess sod makes in the trunk?? We put it on top of the green astro turf carpet on the dock...and that sweet dog began using it immediately.!!! Several other dogs also made donations! Life is getting better! Our day ended with Shocker Vision successful viewing of our favorite fellas beating those pesky Redbirds...16-0 !!

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